Last week I spent a lot of my free time doodling with watercolors. I've found it so freeing to paint without a complete composition in mind. I have always enjoyed the act of painting but whenever I had to do a painting for a class assignment I would fill with dread. What should the piece be? What to put in the background? It turns out I'm happiest when I'm painting small things, icons if you will. I decided to embrace this and just paint whatever came to mind. As I was painting I got the idea to make some stationery. I scoured the internets for different pastries and painted each one by one. Then I scanned my paintings, arranged them on stationery sized template and also created stickers and cut them out with my brand new 1.5" circle cutter.

The dots on the stationery are from the singing bluebird card I created earlier this week. Now I'm excited to start building my collection of watercolor doodles and papercraft pieces so I have lots of images to use on different pieces moving forward. For this stationery I still have to make an envelope and I think I will turn a few of the stickers into buttons using resin.